Minor Arcana
3 of Wands - 3 of Cups - 3 of Crystals (swords) - 3 of
Worlds (pentacles)
Mayor Arcana
The Hanged Man 12 -
The Empress 3 - The World 21
Voyager Tarot
EmpressConstellation graphic concept
Understanding the number 3.
Is the number of divinity, but
also of joy and expansion. Considered a highly creative number, and it
is not casual that in many religions there is a trinity; Father - Son -
Holy Spirit, Brahma - Vishnu - Shiva.
Number 3 is the result of the union of opposites in the 2. I see the 3 as a bridge between 2 diferent worlds, the middle point of equilibrium, the charm, the grace, the gift (in Spanish we say "el don").
The Constellation, Mayors (the bonding of the Mayor Arcana cards)
- Water - The Hanged Man 12, represents the surrender of the being in the oceanic collective unconcious in order to be liberated, or submerged in new posibilities. I associate this card with the first step of the creative process, incubation or brooding. That's the reason why I put the card on the left side of the graphic.
- Earth - The Empress 3,
is the creative "outbreak" or "explosion" of the ideas of The Hanged
Man. The idea of "birth" is first conceived during the brooding process
of The Hanged Man. The Empress just takes the seed (idea) and brings it
to full bloom. She nurtures and gives birth to form without
restrictions or impositions. I associate this card with the
"implementation" step in the creative process. The Empress is in the
middle position of the graphic design representing the bridge between
the opposites, The Hanged Man and The Universe.
- Fire - Water - Air
- Earth - The Universe 21, represents wholeness and completion of the
creation, the voyage of the Empress completes a cicle of creation. The
Universe encompasses the "alpha and omega" of creation. The Universe is
the "resolution" step in the creative process. I put The Universe on
the right side of the graphic to represent materialization.
The Constellation, Minors (the bonding within the Minors and with The Empress)
The 4 suite cards represent the qualities that help The Empress in her creative endeavor. The 4 elements sustain her eternal procedures.
- Fire - The 3 of Wands of The Voyager Tarot furthers itself from the usual meaning of this card. It represents "compassion", the healing spirit of The Empress. Compassion nurtures the creations of the Empress.
- Water - The 3 of Cups represents the heart of the Empress. Love is what makes all things possible and it is the quality that holds everything together and moves creation forward.
- Air - The 3 of Crystals represents the creativity that prospers The Empress and makes her creation a never ending process.
- Earth - The 3 of Worlds represents the nurturing role of The Empress. Whitout nurturing, her creation will die.
Aurora Díaz